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A Guide to Living a Well Balanced Life

Sustaining a well balanced lifestyle means
eating healthier, sleeping well, being fit and living happier.

  • Berries 

  • Nuts 

  • Spinach 

  • Oranges

  • Eggs

  • Broccoli 

  • Yogurt 

  • Sweet Potatoes 

  • Beans

  • Stick to a regular
    sleep schedule 

  • Create a relaxing
    bedtime routine 

  • Avoid stimulants 

  • Ensure a good
    sleep environment 

  • Shut out noise and light 

  • Limit other activities in
    your bedroom 

  • Make sure to exercise and spend time in the daylight 

  • Eat well 

  • Limit screen time

  • Organize your
    sleep environment

  • Add more steps to your day 

  • Use your own weight
    in resistance 

  • Stand and walk around
    your room 

  • Climb steps

  • Walk to school 

  • Go for a run 

  • Take a hike 

  • Ride a bike 

  • Jump in the pool 

  • Do push-ups, jumping
    jacks and don’t forget
    a few squats!

  • Write down three new things you are grateful
    for each day 

  • Spend two minutes describing a meaningful experience from over the past 24 hours 

  • Add 15 minutes of fun, active cardio – create a cascade of success 

  • Invest two minutes to train your brain to just watch
    your breath – undo negative effects of multitasking 

  • Take two minutes to
    write an email, thanking
    one person in your social
    support network

Let's Get Physical

Get Your (Not Just)
Beauty Sleep

Eat the Rainbow

Take a Break

What's Happening

  • Meditation for Teens
    Meditation for Teens
    Thu, Sep 24
    Online Event
    Sep 24, 2020, 2:15 PM – 2:45 PM PDT
    Online Event
    Sep 24, 2020, 2:15 PM – 2:45 PM PDT
    Online Event
    Experience effortless meditation and deep rest
  • Yoga Flow with Adriene
    Yoga Flow with Adriene
    Mon, Sep 07
    Online Event
    Sep 07, 2020, 11:00 AM – 3:05 PM PDT
    Online Event
    Sep 07, 2020, 11:00 AM – 3:05 PM PDT
    Online Event
    Yoga w/ Adriene on Microsoft Teams
  • Deliciously Ella Podcast
    Deliciously Ella Podcast
    Tue, Sep 01
    Sep 01, 2020, 8:00 AM
    Sep 01, 2020, 8:00 AM
    How to Stay Healthy at Home

Throughout Santa Clarita, there are many outreach
centers to help you live a well balanced life.

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