
A Guide to Living a Well Balanced Life
Sustaining a well balanced lifestyle means
eating healthier, sleeping well, being fit and living happier.
Sweet Potatoes
Stick to a regular
sleep schedule -
Create a relaxing
bedtime routine -
Avoid stimulants
Ensure a good
sleep environment -
Shut out noise and light
Limit other activities in
your bedroom -
Make sure to exercise and spend time in the daylight
Eat well
Limit screen time
Organize your
sleep environment
Add more steps to your day
Use your own weight
in resistance -
Stand and walk around
your room -
Climb steps
Walk to school
Go for a run
Take a hike
Ride a bike
Jump in the pool
Do push-ups, jumping
jacks and don’t forget
a few squats!
Write down three new things you are grateful
for each day -
Spend two minutes describing a meaningful experience from over the past 24 hours
Add 15 minutes of fun, active cardio – create a cascade of success
Invest two minutes to train your brain to just watch
your breath – undo negative effects of multitasking -
Take two minutes to
write an email, thanking
one person in your social
support network
Let's Get Physical
Get Your (Not Just)
Beauty Sleep
Eat the Rainbow
Take a Break
What's Happening
- Thu, Sep 24Online Event
- Mon, Sep 07Online Event
- Tue, Sep 01Podcast